Coffee Script jQuery Boilerplate

I was looking around on the web the other day for a jQuery plugin boilerplate that was written in coffee script. I could not find one. To quench my thirst, I wrote it myself, and I’m calling it Coffee-Plate. You can check out the source on github.

Alternatively, I’ve included it below, but the latest will always be on github.

jQuery Plugin Boilerplate in coffee script
A boilerplate for jumpstarting jQuery plugin development using coffee script
version 0.1, Sept 21st, 2011
by Philip Thrasher

# remember to change every instance of "pluginName" to the name of your plugin!
(($) ->
  $.pluginName = (el, options) ->

    # Access to jQuery and DOM versions of element
    @el = el
    @$el = $ el
    # Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
    @$ "pluginName", @

    #fat arrow '=>' makes creating jq plugins much easier.
    @init = =>
      @options = $.extend {}, $.pluginName.defaultOptions, options
      # put your intitialization code here.

      # return this

    # sample public method. Uncomment to use.
    # Be sure to use => for all funcs inside $.pluginName
    # that way you'll maintain scope.
    @publicMethod1 = (parameters) =>
      # pass

    # sample private method. Uncomment to use (removed the @)
    # Be sure to use => for all funcs inside $.pluginName
    # that way you'll maintain scope.
    privateMethod1 = (parameters) =>
      # pass

    # call init, and return the output

  # object literal containing default options
  $.pluginName.defaultOptions = 
    optionOne: 'value'
    optionTwo: 'value'

  $.fn.pluginName = (options) ->
    $.each @, (i, el) ->
      $el = $ el

      # Only instantiate if not previously done.
      unless $ 'pluginName'
        # call plugin on el with options, and set it to the data.
        # the instance can always be retrieved as 'pluginName'
        # You can do things like:
        # ( 'pluginName').publicMethod1();
        $ 'pluginName', new $.pluginName el, options


($ document).ready ->
  # attach the plugin to an element
  ($ '#element').pluginName 'foo': 'bar'

  # call a public method
  (($ '#element').data 'pluginName').publicMethod1()

  # get the value of a property
  (($ '#element').data 'pluginName')